• word of the day


    benighted - Dictionary definition and meaning for word benighted

    (adj) overtaken by night or darkness
    Synonyms : nighted
    Example Sentence
    • benighted (or nighted) travelers hurrying toward home
    (adj) lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture
    Synonyms : dark
    Example Sentence
    • this benighted country
    • benighted ages of barbarism and superstition
    • the dark ages
    • a dark age in the history of education
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for benighted

NIGHT=DARK. The "Dark Ages" (a time period lacking in reason and progress) was followed by the "Age of Enlightenment".

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

The opposite of enLIGHTened is beNIGHTed.

No light in the Night.. So Dark.. not enlightened

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