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    ascendancy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ascendancy

    (noun) the state that exists when one person or group has power over another
    Example Sentence
    • her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ascendancy

Ascend means to rise... as u rise, u always gain power...& den u dance :p

ascendancy... wife has ascendancy over her husband...she make him dance to her tune !

modification of above one . Husband having ascendancy over wife that is controlling her and makin dance her at his tune

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1>2>3>4>5>6>7.. The numbers are arranged in ascending order with 2 ASCENDANCY OVER 1 and hence controlling 1;

a scent which has a controlling influence, a-scend-ancy

ascendancy : i hv been ascended to higher position bcoz i can influence n control my juniors effectively.

ascend ~ rising upward; when you rise to a senior position, you generally control your juniors;

rhymes with Presidency :P

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