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    anodyne - Dictionary definition and meaning for word anodyne

    (noun) a medicine used to relieve pain
    Synonyms : analgesic , pain pill , painkiller
    (adj) capable of relieving pain
    Synonyms : analgesic , analgetic
    Example Sentence
    • the anodyne properties of certain drugs
    • an analgesic effect
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anodyne

Ann will not die from pain if she gets some aspirin.

anodyne ~ a + no + dyne (dying); If you want him not to die from pain, you should give him some anodyne drugs.

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

ANODYNE -> ANOINT + DIE. When Jesus ANOINTed (blessed) the sick, their pain stopped and they did not DIE.

anodyne, sounds like iodine,iodine sounds like iodix, which is a drug we use for relief

Just add G and arrange, we get Agony+Die...when agony dies you become serene or calm....

Just add G...Agony+DYEing....when you kill agony you become serene or calm

ANAlgesic meDIciNE = ANODYNE

sounds like betadene, a medicine to relieve pain

sensodyne is a tooth paste that relives pain.take the key word dyne.so anodyne releives pain .

ANODYNE<===> पीडा नाशक (pr. \\piDa nashak \\ )[Adjective] Example:I gave him an anodyne tablet for headache.

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