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    acutely - Dictionary definition and meaning for word acutely

    (adv) in an acute manner
    Example Sentence
    • she pitied her sister acutely
    • acutely aware
    (adv) having a rapid onset
    Example Sentence
    • an acutely debilitating virus
    (adv) changing suddenly in direction and degree
    Synonyms : sharp , sharply
    Example Sentence
    • the road twists sharply after the light
    • turn sharp left here
    • the visor was acutely peaked
    • her shoes had acutely pointed toes
    (adv) in a shrewd manner
    Example Sentence
    • he invested his fortune astutely
    • he was acutely insightful

Word used in video below:
text: indicated for acutely inflamed hemroids
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